Presentations         Tuesday July 25th – Thursday July 27th     11 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Tuesday 11:00 a.m. The Anton Paar Litesizer 500 – Particle Size Measurement and so much more (Zeta-potential, Molecular Weight, Refractive Index…)


Tuesday ~11:30 a.m. The Anton Paar HIT 300 NanoIndenter – Hardness measurement for thin films and the world of NanoEngineering


Wednesday 11 a.m.   Non-ambient x-ray diffraction – How to use the vacuum chamber, TTK 600 chamber, air-tight sample holder for powders and the capillary spinner for small sample amounts


Thursday 11 a.m.    Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) – How to make your SAXS measurements and how to interpret them (Measurement and Data analysis techniques)


Workshops             Tuesday July 25th – Thursday July 27th      1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Please sign up at

More information including abstracts and speaker bios can be found on the NE-MRC Seminars and Workshops page.

“Making the most of your X-ray diffraction measurements: Introducing the Anton Paar XRDynamic 500 (located in the NE-MRC in SME B004) and its SAXS and non-ambient capabilities”


Andrew Jones, PhD


Global Product Manager XRD

Anton Paar GmbH



Abstract: Anton Paar’s XRDynamic 500, housed in the NE-MRC, pushes the boundary of what an automated multipurpose powder X-ray diffractometer is capable of. With XRD being the gold standard for the investigation of structures at the atomic level, the advanced features and automation offered by XRDynamic 500 bring improvements in data quality and instrument ease-of-use that ensure that even users new to XRD can collect high quality data to answer the challenging questions posed by the structure of their samples. This seminar will give an overview of the XRDynamic 500 system as it is configured at NE-MRC, highlighting not only standard powder XRD capabilities, but also the non-ambient XRD and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) options, with real-world application examples.



Biosketch: Andrew Jones joined Anton Paar in 2017 and is currently global product manager for XRD. For over 10 years, he has specialized in powder XRD, non-ambient XRD and grazing incidence XRD techniques. He has a doctorate degree in Chemistry from the University of Bath, UK, and also worked as a researcher with a focus on XRD at Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium and Graz University of Technology, Austria, prior to joining Anton Paar.

Consultation, demo measurements and individual training available now!

For more information about the capabilities of the new Anton Paar XRDynamic 500 or to discuss your samples and research goals please fill out this google form. To request training on the new Anton Paar XRDynamic 500 please use the NE-MRC FOM system! 

New Instrument Alert!

Starting August 2022 in partnership with Anton Paar the NE-MRC will be hosting a new XRD instrument --- the new Anton Paar XRDynamic 500!

Some of the exciting new capabilities include:

Other features include: